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    Related Topics:  -  !Seealso: (Cross Referencing).

    Seealso references allow you to jump from one related long entry to
    another other long entries. If there are any !seealso's defined for
    a long entry, Related Topics: will appear in the top left corner
    of the long entry window. When ENTER is pressed, a pull-down menu
    will appear with the names of the references as menu items. Scroll to
    the topic of your choice and press ENTER. The new topic will appear
    instantly on your screen. To define a !seealso: reference follow the
    examples below.

         !seealso: key-word(s) [space...keyword(s)]                     

         key-word(s) is one of the following:






         !seealso:, like all other bang commands, must be typed starting in
         the leftmost screen column.

    The text-from-a-short-entry must appear at the start of the entry
    that expands to the long entry you want. The text can be any number of
    words, starting at the beginning of the short entry, and ending with a
    space or tab. The short entry can be either in the current data text
    file, or another data text file.

    The third format of !seealso: allows you to include a reference to any
    long entry that's by itself. In this case, there's no short entry from
    which to draw text for the Related Topics: menu, so you simply make
    up the text for seealso-title. The Engine then puts the seealso-title
    in the Related Topic menu.

    A table is often implemented as a long entry directly off a menu item,
    and is thus in a file by itself. You can use this format to incorporate
    a !seealso reference to such a table.

    The !seealso: command moves the user to another long entry. The text
    after !seealso: comes from a short entry; when the user highlights that
    text in the Related Topics: menu and presses Return, he is taken
    automatically to the long entry that lies underneath the highlighted
    short entry.

    You do not need to use the entire text of the short entry. For example,
    if the long entry you are referring to is under a short entry that

         !short: Close Procedure    Closes an active procedure file.    

    your seealso could read:

         !seealso: "Close Proc"                                         


         !seealso: "Close Procedure"                                    

         You need only include enough text to uniquely identify the short
         entry. The text must, however, be taken from the beginning of the

    Multiple references in a single !seealso: command are separated by one or
    more spaces or tabs. If the key-words text includes embedded spaces,
    tabs, or colons, it must be enclosed within double quotation marks. Use
    two quotations marks to enter a single quotation mark into the key-words

    The key-words text can come from a short entry either in the same file,
    or in a different file. To indicate a reference to a short entry in
    another file, precede the key-words text with the filename, as in:

         !seealso: ascii.ngo: "ASCII CHART"                             


See Also: An Overview of Database Design. System Requirements. Hypertext Databases (specs) Expert Help Engine Character Attributes Comments !Credits: Data Text Files. !File: Long Entries !Short: The Menu Link Control File. !Name: The Search Engine (EH.EXE) The Database Composer !Menu:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson